Monday, January 07, 2008

Sarah & Charles Wedding in McKinney, TX

What would I be, if I didn't blog one more wedding from the Bingham House... I am so far behind on blogging that engagements and other portrait sessions are totally out the window now. Charles and Sarah had a lovely wedding at the Bingham House in McKinney, TX and made my second e-harmony wedding that I know of. Sarah had the Japanese theme down right down to her bridals taken at the Japanese Gardens and the Ft. Worth Botanical Gardens. They were both Marines and there were a few Marine things I will point out.

First the rings... and I loved the engravings Semper Fidelis

The groom cake, Marine themed of course

The brides lovely cake...

The groom getting ready with the guys...

All decked out and ready to go...

The lovely bride relaxing before the "I Do"...

As a dad of two daughters, I have to throw in a cute flower girl...

The talented Don Shannon...

The guy is a bagpipe king, he's played for her Majesty the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Prince Andrew, Tony Blair, Sarah Ferguson, George W. Bush, Rod Stewart and even appeared on ABC's Good Morning America as well as playing for the Byron each year! This is the bagpipe guy you want, no doubt about it!

The vows...

Leaving after the ceremony in Pearl...

The First Dance!

Thanks guys, I enjoyed it very much!

Now playing: Kasabian - Club Foot
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those are great pictures of the rings! You really captured some interesting details!