Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Glenn & Sarah's Wedding in Flower Mound

Glenn and Sarah had a lovely wedding at the Flower Mound Presbyterian church and then moved on to the Bridlewood Golf Course for the reception. They were such a cute couple and decided to meet before the ceremony for all the pictures to make for a quicker trip to the reception... and to leave us some play time with just the couple. I suggest this on every wedding! Spend 15-30 minutes after the formals and we'll get some way cooler pics like below! Here's a few pictures:

The Bouquet

The get away car after the ceremony with the ball and chain hanging from the rear view mirror and the lovely hood ornament

The hood ornament

The start of that alone time I was mentioning, heading out to the fairway

Some off camera flash

Available light PDA on the bridge

Out dodging golf balls on the course with some sweet light on the hill!

The first dance after they made their first entrance as a couple

Sure, I know how cute...

but how cool to have a guy doing caricatures at your wedding, was a big hit with everyone

Some details, not the food, the rings!

First dance with Dad, I'll be doing this same thing someday... twice...

Mother-Son dance, have I mentioned I love video lights so much, I went and bought my own!

Stealing some more video light, I love working with good videographers

I loved the Dad's shadow from the toast

Ok, everyone knows I am a cake hound and even have it my contract, but this was a first! The groom had Pokey O's instead of a grooms cake, and there is nothing better than a homemade ice cream sandwich with Blue Bell and homemade cookies.

Thanks Glenn and Sarah for allowing me to share in your special day and congratulations!
Now playing: Angels & Airwaves - The Adventure
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

Yea! We are so happy with all of the pictures. Thanks Josh!

Josh Littrell said...

Thanks Sarah, I had a blast and love the comments. Let me know when you get all your pics picked out. Congratulations again!