Monday, October 29, 2007

Finally, well almost

Gmail is finally rolling out IMAP!

Google Blog

This is a must have, especially with all the emailing I do from the iPhone now! You get an email in Mail and reply and it doesn't sync with the iPhone, and then later you check the web and have all new mails, and it's a mess to try and keep up with. Which is why, if you ever get an email days later, that I thought I had already replied to, but didn't you'll know why.

They have this service with other companies that runs about $10 a month and adding another $10 a month fee to the ever growing long list of $10 a month fees is like beating your head against the wall, not very fun. So of course with Google, it's free! Just like my Blog, just like my email (ok the MX Record part of it). I have to pay for the domains, but every site I have is using the Google Apps for free to handle my Phone, Calendar, Email, Docs, Spreadsheets, etc.... Why? Because I want access no matter where I am!

Now for the almost part, mine isn't showing up yet but it's supposed to be coming!

Want free Google Stuff? Go Get it!

Blogger (get a blog)
Google Apps
Google Phone Service (GrandCentral)
All the google stuff you could ever want...

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